Our team

József Balázs Fejes, PhD

During the first year of my doctoral studies, I helped organize the Student Mentoring Program, which supported students impacted by desegregation measures in Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely. Along with a dedicated professional community that formed around this initiative, we founded Motivation Educational Association in 2012, where I have served as president ever since. My work is closely tied to advancing Hungarian education. As an associate professor at the Institute of Education at the University of Szeged, I teach in teacher training programs and lead the Reading and Motivation Research Group, a collaboration between the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Szeged. My research focuses on learning motivation, reading comprehension, and educational equity. At Motivation Collective, I am inspired by the opportunity to contribute to meaningful social projects while continually learning and witnessing the growth of both students and colleagues.

Noémi Erdődi

I joined Motivation Collective in 2013 as a teacher trainee eager to gain hands-on experience working with children. Over the years, I have contributed to the Student Mentoring Program, the Scholarship Program, and the After-School Program of Tiszasziget. In 2017, I played a key role in launching and building our after-school program in Balástya, where I later became the professional lead. I am still actively involved there, mentoring the youngest group of students, known as the Bunny Team, and coordinating the Student Council. I am also a member of the climate education working group and was responsible for transforming the courtyard in Balástya using permaculture principles, as well as for piloting a school greening program. As a trainer, I conduct workshops on board game pedagogy, and as a developer, I oversee the creation and testing of the association’s educational games. I also coordinate international projects. Being part of a supportive community where I can engage in such diverse and creative work is something I deeply cherish.

Csenge Halász

I am a student at the University of Szeged, training to become an English and Italian teacher. I am also a member of the Reading and Motivation Research Group (a collaboration between the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Szeged). I first joined the Motivation Collective team in the spring of 2022 as a volunteer at the after-school program in Szeged, later taking on an internship where I mentored children from disadvantaged Roma families who had fled Ukraine. In 2024, I became a staff member and now work as a project coordinator for the Strengthening of Tanodas Against Inequality and Discrimination project. My responsibilities include organizing and managing professional events for TanodaPlatform and fostering the network of after-school programs. What excites me most about my work is tackling new challenges every day and finding creative solutions as part of a team.

Anna Horváth

I joined the Motivation Collective team in 2021 as a volunteer mentor because I wanted to work with children and young people. After completing a master’s degree in mental health community and relationship building, I became an after-school teacher at Motivation After-School Program of Balástya. As a debate club leader, I regularly host sessions to develop debating and communication skills. I also manage relationships with schools and social institutions and coordinate family and community day events. As a facilitator, I lead monthly professional self-knowledge workshops for our volunteers involved in educational activities. I’ve also had the opportunity to participate in international projects, including youth exchange programs and an international board game development initiative. What I love most about my work is its variety and creativity, all within a supportive and close-knit community. I value the chance to apply my mental health perspective both in my work with children and within the organization.

Valéria Kelemen

I am one of the founders of Motivation Educational Association and the TanodaPlatform network. For several years, I coordinated the Student Mentoring Program, led Motivation After-School Program of Szeged, and served as the professional lead for the organization’s educational initiatives. In 2021, I launched our climate education program within our after-school programs. Currently, I coordinate Motivation Collective’s climate education and sustainability initiatives. I find it fascinating to integrate permaculture into educational initiatives, especially when involving children in the planning process. I am grateful to be part of an amazing team where I can engage in creative and socially meaningful work.

Bálint Kicsi

I joined the Motivation Collective team as a volunteer in 2017. As a student at the University of Szeged, studying to become an art and history teacher, I felt it was important to gain as much experience as possible working with children, and the opportunity to volunteer was very appealing to me. Since 2018, I have been involved in the life of the association’s after-school programs —first as a mentor and group leader in Balástya until the summer of 2024, and then in Szeged. As a member of the working group on motivation-based mathematics education, I am primarily responsible for design elements. I also coordinate the CoolSchool project, part of the HUSRB Interreg program, where we collaborate with colleagues in Vojvodina to share our experiences from the after-school programs. Working with children brings me great joy, and I find the variety in my work and the opportunity to explore new areas truly motivating.

Magdi Kócsó

I graduated in 2018 from the University of Szeged with a degree in special education, focusing on pedagogy for children with learning and intellectual disabilities. In the fall of 2019, I joined Motivation After-School Program of Szeged, where I spent three years volunteering as a mentor, supporting an amazing group of students. In 2022, I continued my mentoring role as a staff member, and since 2025, I have also been working at Motivation After-School Program of Balástya. I’m a member of the climate education working group, participated in a school greening program, and regularly lead workshops on urban heat island effects. For me, Motivation Collective is not just a workplace but an inspiring community where the variety of work and shared values continually motivate me.

Balázs Makádi

2013 óta a Motiváció Műhely keretein belül dolgozom, 2023 óta pedig alelnökként segítem a munkát. Végzettségem szerint történelem és ember és társadalom műveltségterületi tanár vagyok. Pályafutásom során többféle munkakörben kipróbáltam magam. Kezdetben pedagógiai területen tevékenykedtem, gyermekek mentorálásával foglalkoztam. Később projektvezetőként dolgoztam, számos hazai és nemzetközi finanszírozású projekt irányításában vettem részt. Emellett operatív vezetőként is tevékenykedtem, ahol a szervezet napi működésének biztosítása volt a feladatom. A munkámban azt szeretem leginkább, hogy lehetőségem van olyan komplex programok működtetésében részt venni, amelyek a társadalom jobbítását szolgálják.

Szilvia Mádi

I earned my MA in Human Resource Consulting from Szent István University and spent several years working in the corporate sector, specializing in marketing and event planning. I joined Motivation Collective as a volunteer mentor in 2017, then continued as a full-time after-school teacher from 2019. Since 2022, I have been managing the Collective’s Hub and supporting the organization’s operations while leading youth, community engagement, and equal opportunity projects. Starting in 2025, my main focus will be coordinating and managing communications for the Communities for Local Democracy project, implemented in partnership with the organizations of the Aspect Group to strengthen civil society. I am grateful to be part of a close-knit and inspiring community at Motivation Collective, working on initiatives that are not only engaging but also socially meaningful.

Uszáma Mutier

I graduated from the University of Szeged as a teacher of biology and mathematics. During my studies, I joined the Student Mentoring Program as a volunteer in 2017, and a year later, I became a mentor teacher at Motivation After-School Program of Szeged. In 2022, I took over as the head of the program, and since 2024, I’ve been leading the after-school programs in Szeged and Balástya as the head of operations. I also lead the motivation-based mathematics education working group, focusing on developing this methodology. I have deepened my expertise in motivation-based reading comprehension development, and conduct training sessions on the topic. What I love most about my work is witnessing continuous growth—not only in myself but also in my colleagues and the children we work with.

Dorka Nagy 

As a student of English and drama teaching at the University of Szeged, I joined the Motivation Collective team as a volunteer at the after-school program in Szeged in the fall of 2023. As a future teacher, I saw this role as an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience. Since summer 2024, I have been working as an after-school teacher. In addition to leading group sessions, I work one-on-one with several children during individual learning activities and coordinate the operations of the Student Council. Since the after-school program became part of my life and I’ve gotten to know so many amazing children, I’ve felt a much deeper sense of motivation in every area of my life.

Vivien Katalin Nagy

I first encountered Motivation Collective during my social work studies at college when they introduced their board game called System Error. Their work immediately caught my interest, and after subsequent encounters, I decided to apply as a volunteer. That was in 2016, and I’ve been involved with Motivation Collective ever since. Of my many responsibilities, working with children is the most important to me. Currently, I lead the Alpha Pandas group, made up of upper primary and high school students, at the after-school program in Balástya. In addition, I document the after-school programs, organize snacks for children, manage supplies, and oversee the upkeep of our buildings. I love seeing the children grow and develop, enjoy the variety in my work, and deeply value being part of a supportive team that helps navigate challenging situations.

Tímea Parti

I joined Motivation Collective in the fall of 2020. As a social work BSc student at the University of Szeged, I completed my practical semester here. After earning my degree, I continued working as an after-school teacher, and I’m currently the program coordinator and volunteer coordinator at Motivation After-School Program of Szeged. Alongside my work, I am pursuing a master’s degree in social work at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) to expand my professional knowledge. What truly inspires me in my work is seeing young people participate in projects that showcase their talents and create lifelong memories.

Anett Steigler

I first encountered the work of Motivation Collective in 2013 through a university course, and a few months later, I joined the team as a volunteer. I mentored children in schools and at our after-school program in Szeged for several years, coordinated the Student Mentoring Program, and later served as the leader of the after-school program in Szeged. I’ve overseen various projects, but the FemCy – Addressing Menstrual Poverty and Gender Inequality with Young People project, which focused on period poverty and gender inequalities, was particularly close to my heart. Currently, I support our goals as a communications specialist. I believe that, as a civil society organization, we do a great deal to help create a more open and inclusive society—one where, even if not everyone is born with equal opportunities, everyone can receive the support they need to lead a fulfilling life.

Hanna Szalay 

I joined Motivation Collective as a volunteer in 2020 and completed part of my professional practice at the after-school program in Szeged. I graduated with a degree in special education in 2022, and that same year, I became a staff member. I now work as an after-school teacher in Szeged. Currently, I coordinate the Szitakötő (Dragonfly) project, which is part of our reading comprehension development program, and assist with workshops on reading comprehension methods. I am also a member of the climate education working group and the motivation-based mathematics education working group. What excites me about my work is the opportunity to work in such a supportive professional environment.

Norbert Szűcs, PhD

I’ve been shaping the development of Motivation Collective from the very beginning: I’m a co-founder of the Student Mentoring Program and TanodaPlatform, and have served as vice president of Motivation Educational Association since its founding. My primary responsibilities include designing and implementing organizational strategy, which involves working on HR, grants, finance, and community development. I am also involved in organizing the professional programs and advocacy efforts of the TanodaPlatform network. As a researcher and specialist, my focus areas are social integration, anti-segregation, educational equity, and strengthening civil society.

Andrea Varga

I hold an MA in English language and literature and pedagogy, with a qualification in teaching from the University of Szeged, as well as a degree in translation and interpreting in social sciences and economics. I worked in the translation industry for over 14 years. I’ve been a member of Motivation Educational Association since its founding, but I began actively contributing to the team’s work in September 2024, focusing primarily on cultivating our supporter network. The organization’s mission—upholding the values of solidarity, sustainability, and justice—aligns perfectly with my principles, and I am excited to help spread this message to a wider audience. What motivates me most is the constant challenge and the opportunity to learn and grow.
